- 更新日期:112-11-15
- 發布單位:國際事務處
【活動】[強勢回歸!] 2023出國交換展暨校內甄選申請說明會(11/16-17)
日期 Date:2023/11/16-17 (THU-FRI)
時間 Time:11:00-15:00
地點 Location:交大光復校區浩然圖書館B1國際會議廳A及前廳 B1 Library, Chiaotung Campus, NYCU
報名:欲實體參展著,請現場簽到即可。If you want to physically participate in the exhibition, please sign in on site
1. 國際事務處 OIA
2. 日本台灣交流協會 Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association
3. 布魯塞爾自由大學 ULB
4. 魯汶大學 KU Leuven
5. 湍特大學 University of Twente
6. 帕拉茨基大學 Palacky University in Olomouc
7. 布拉格捷克理工大學 CTU
8. 阿亨工業大學 RWTH Aachen University
9. 查默斯理工大學 Chalmers University
10. 林雪平大學 Linköping University
11. 阿格德爾大學 University of Agder
12. 南丹麥大學 University of Southern Denmark
13. 維也納大學 University of Vienna
14. 格拉茨科技大學 Graz University of Technology
15. 巴黎綜合理工學院 Ecole Polytechnic
16. 巴黎薩克雷大學 University of Paris-Saclay
17. 蘇黎世聯邦理工學院 ETH Zurich
18. 帕爾馬大學 University of Parma
2023/11/16 THU
11:00-12:00 Session 1-NYCU Outbound Student Exchange Program
- “Austrian Stereotypes” by University of Vienna
12:10-12:25 Session 2-Chalmers by the Sea: A Gateway to Tech Innovation and Industry
12:25-12:40 Session 3 - Ecole Polytechnique and why it's cool?
12:40-12:55 Session 4 - “Welcome to Denmark” by University of Southern Denmark
13:00-14:00 Session 5 - University System of Taiwan
14:00-15:00 Session 6 - Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association - Scholarship
2023/11/17 FRI
11:40-12:00 Session 1 - “Introducing to Brussels” by Université Libre de Bruxelles
12:00-12:20 Session 2 - “Welcome to the Netherlands!” by University of Twente
12:20-12:40 Session 3 - Introducing to Graz University of Technology
12:40-12:55 Session 4 - “The Heart of Europe - A Look in Czech Republic” by CTU
13:00-14:30 Session 5 - Temple University - DBMD Dual Degree Program
講座除實體進行外,也將同步開放遠距參加,活動前一天將寄發會議連結給有報名的同學。(線上報名至11/15 16:00截止)
In addition to being held in person, the lecture will also be open to remote participation. The conference link will be sent to registered students the day before the event.
In order to encourage students to actively participate, those who have signed up for more than 4 lectures (including physical participation and simultaneous remote participation) can include the "Certificate of Participation in Overseas Exchange Exhibition" when applying for the on-campus selection for overseas exchange in 2024/25 academic year.
時間 Time:11:00-15:00
地點 Location:交大光復校區浩然圖書館B1國際會議廳A及前廳 B1 Library, Chiaotung Campus, NYCU
報名:欲實體參展著,請現場簽到即可。If you want to physically participate in the exhibition, please sign in on site
1. 國際事務處 OIA
2. 日本台灣交流協會 Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association
3. 布魯塞爾自由大學 ULB
4. 魯汶大學 KU Leuven
5. 湍特大學 University of Twente
6. 帕拉茨基大學 Palacky University in Olomouc
7. 布拉格捷克理工大學 CTU
8. 阿亨工業大學 RWTH Aachen University
9. 查默斯理工大學 Chalmers University
10. 林雪平大學 Linköping University
11. 阿格德爾大學 University of Agder
12. 南丹麥大學 University of Southern Denmark
13. 維也納大學 University of Vienna
14. 格拉茨科技大學 Graz University of Technology
15. 巴黎綜合理工學院 Ecole Polytechnic
16. 巴黎薩克雷大學 University of Paris-Saclay
17. 蘇黎世聯邦理工學院 ETH Zurich
18. 帕爾馬大學 University of Parma
2023/11/16 THU
11:00-12:00 Session 1-NYCU Outbound Student Exchange Program
- “Austrian Stereotypes” by University of Vienna
12:10-12:25 Session 2-Chalmers by the Sea: A Gateway to Tech Innovation and Industry
12:25-12:40 Session 3 - Ecole Polytechnique and why it's cool?
12:40-12:55 Session 4 - “Welcome to Denmark” by University of Southern Denmark
13:00-14:00 Session 5 - University System of Taiwan
14:00-15:00 Session 6 - Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association - Scholarship
2023/11/17 FRI
11:40-12:00 Session 1 - “Introducing to Brussels” by Université Libre de Bruxelles
12:00-12:20 Session 2 - “Welcome to the Netherlands!” by University of Twente
12:20-12:40 Session 3 - Introducing to Graz University of Technology
12:40-12:55 Session 4 - “The Heart of Europe - A Look in Czech Republic” by CTU
13:00-14:30 Session 5 - Temple University - DBMD Dual Degree Program
講座除實體進行外,也將同步開放遠距參加,活動前一天將寄發會議連結給有報名的同學。(線上報名至11/15 16:00截止)
In addition to being held in person, the lecture will also be open to remote participation. The conference link will be sent to registered students the day before the event.
In order to encourage students to actively participate, those who have signed up for more than 4 lectures (including physical participation and simultaneous remote participation) can include the "Certificate of Participation in Overseas Exchange Exhibition" when applying for the on-campus selection for overseas exchange in 2024/25 academic year.
- 聯絡人: [ 國際事務處 曾郁慈 專員 carina.tseng@nycu.edu.tw #50665]