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NYCU Office of International Affairs


  • Update Date:2025-01-14
  • Units:Office of International Affairs
AY 2025-2026
  • College of Biomedical Science and Engineering  (Yangming Campus): Dept. of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine (Master's and Ph.D. Programs)
  • College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Chiaotung Campus) : Dept. of Microelectronics (Undergraduate Program)
**Depending on the curriculum design, NYCU freshmen (Yangming campus) will spend the entire semester or a portion of the semester studying at the Chaiotung campus in Hsinchu City. Please refer to the department’s website for more details.
For graduation requirements and the curriculum of each program, please refer to:
Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students (Master/Doctor).
For a list of courses offered at each department/institute, please refer to:  Course Timetable