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NYCU Office of International Affairs


  • Update Date:2024-01-11
  • Units:Division of International Talent Cultivation
University Scholarships
NYCU provides scholarship opportunities for international students pursuing degrees.

Who is Eligible
Current students who have not received scholarships or grants from the Taiwan government and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 for graduate students and 3.0 for undergraduate students are eligible.

How to apply
Current NYCU students
Apply and upload the required documents on the scholarship application system.

Incoming students
Apply along with your admission application

Application Period (for current NYCU students)
■ Fall Semester: January 15-March 15
■ Spring Semester: July 15-September 15
Late application documents will not be accepted.

Scholarship Content
Monthly stipends and the tuition award can be awarded together or separately.
Monthly Stipend
Given monthly, this includes a scholarship funded by the OIA and the matching funds from their college, department, or advisor.
Tuition Award
   ■ Tuition Waiver
   ■ Tuition fees charged as local students
   Refer to Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees

Scholarship duration
Generally award duration
Valid for 1 year

Maximum award duration
■ Undergraduate: 4 years (Determined by the regulated study periods in respective departments.)
■ Master: 2 years
■ Ph.D.: 5 years

Criteria and the required documents for the application
Refer to NYCU scholarship regulations

Important Notes
■ Scholarship recipients are required to submit their transcripts and tuition payment receipts for each semester before the specified deadline to be eligible for the scholarship in the following semester.
■ Recipients will receive the scholarship on the 10th of each month, except for January and the start of each semester (September).
■ Scholarship recipients who are undergraduate students must enroll in at least 4 Mandarin courses, graduate students must enroll in at least 2 Mandarin courses during their studies.
The scholarship is awarded based on recommendations from the college and a review by the scholarship committee, not through the application submitted by the students.

Who is Eligible
New Ph.D. students with outstanding grades and who have no received scholarships or grants from the Taiwan government

Scholarship Content and Duration
Monthly stipends NT$ 33,000 and the tuition waiver for 2 years

Details and guidelines
Refer to NYCU scholarship regulations

Important Notes
■ Scholarship recipients are required to submit their transcripts and tuition payment receipts for each semester before the specified deadline to be eligible for the scholarship in the following semester.
■ Recipients will receive the scholarship on the 10th of each month, except for January and the start of each semester (September).
■ Scholarship recipients must enroll in at least 2 Mandarin courses during their studies.
To Support Ukrainian students whose studies have been interrupted by war, and Ukrainian students can continue their studies at NYCU without financial stress.

How to apply
Apply for the scholarship along with admission through the online application system

Details and guidelines
Refer to Guidelines for the Scholarship and Grants for Ukrainian Students

Important Notes
■ Scholarship recipients are required to submit their transcripts and payment receipts for each semester before the specified deadline to be eligible for the scholarship in the following semester.
■ Scholarship recipients are required to engage in service-learning activities in their departments or other NYCU offices, the total amount of service hours shall be no less than 10 hours per month.
■ Undergraduate students must enroll in at least 1 Mandarin course in each semester of the first 2 academic years, while graduate students must enroll in at least 1 Mandarin course in each semester of the first academic year.
■ The scholarship is disbursed on a per-semester basis.
  • Contact: [ Jessica Hsieh ] / [ Trudy Wu ]