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NYCU Office of International Affairs

Outbound Announcement

  • Dual Degree Program Announcements

  • Update Date:2024-07-15
  • Units:Division of Strategic Planning
【Dual-degree】[Université Paris-Saclay] 2024-2025 Collaboration of the Masters (1+1) Degree Program
Two projects are available for implementation; departments please refer to the details in the announcement.
Eligible departments: Master of Science-related colleges, NYCU: College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, College of Semiconductor Technology, College of Computer Science, and College of Photonics.

UPS-Polytech PS: Electronic& Robotic Systems/ Computer Science and Mathematical Engineering/ Photonics and Optronic Systems/ Materials: Mechanics and Energy
UPS-Master E3A: Electronique, Energie Electrique, Automatique)/ Master Sciences et genie des materiaux

For detailed application qualifications, procedures, and other information, please refer to the below message and the school's official website.

I. Application details:
    1. Dual Degree Program Details
    Each side can send up to 10 students per year to the other school.
        【A】1(NYCU)+1(Polytech PS)
               Master's thesis defense can be conducted at either institution. Outstanding students may apply through their advisor to simultaneously enroll in the UPS master's program, allowing them to earn three master's degrees: PPS, UPS, and NYCU.
               Master's thesis defense can be conducted at either institution. At UPS, students must complete the required credits and a second-year internship.
    2. Application Requirements
    Participating students must hold a bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification (UPS students: completion of 180 ECTS).
        【A】1(NYCU)+1(Polytech PS)
               Recommended to have DELF B1 proficiency in French.
               Students must have DELF B1 proficiency in French, with B2 recommended, and must also provide proof of English proficiency.
   3. Tuition Fees: Tuition fees at the host institution are waived, but students are required to pay the CVEC campus fee and accommodation costs.
II. How to apply:
   1. Please fill the application form and delivered required documents to Mr. Daniel Lin, Office of International Affairs(1F, Boya Center, Yangming Campus)
   2. Apply via online application system.
III. Important Notes:
   1. Students intending to apply for a dual degree program should refer to the "National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and Overseas Universities Dual Degree Program Regulations."
   2. The application process, graduation credit requirements, and fees are subject to the announcements on the host university’s official website.
   3. For related scholarship applications, please refer to the "National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Scholarship Guidelines for Outstanding Students Pursuing Dual Degree Programs."
IV. Please refer to the attached document for the internal application form.

  • Contact: [ Daniel Lin 02-2826-7000#62108]